About us

As an outsourcing company, named CNC-ProductionService.nl, we are already operational for more than 15 years in the metalworking market. We have noticed the following about blisters for the professional packaging of parts with high precision and/or parts with high optical requirements:

  • Blisters were very difficult to find on the internet.
  • There was no webshop te be found, with a variety of available standard sizes.
  • Most factories offer only custom-made blisters, with the disadvantages of high mould costs and a long start-up period.
  • Some of the blisters available were very weak, caused by thin material and/or poor design. This led to problems in handling the blisters when they contained parts, and some blisters simply tore.
  • There are also blisters made of environmentally unfriendly plastics.
  • We also saw some very high prices.

Therefore, we decided to create a totally new range of Blisters, to exactly meet the need of these products in the market. We have invested a lot in product development, moulds, logistics and the creation of this webshop. We hope you like the result and that we may fill your need for blisters in the future.